Wednesday, April 1, 2015

We’re Going on an Adventure

We are embarking on a new journey with our photography this year.  Recently we met with some great people with the Oregon State Parks and Recreation Department and discussed helping them photograph areas around this amazing state.  After living in the Willamette Valley of Oregon for about 2 ½ years, we have explored many places but I feel as if we have merely ventured just inside the gate of Tolkien’s middle earth.  Forests, waterfalls, grand landscapes and maybe even a few Hobbit trails await!

Brochures are scattered atop maps next to computers, from the dining room table to the ottoman as we attempt to chart out our travels but…where do we start!  During the rest of the year expect posts from all reaches of the state, featuring an assortment of activities and reasons to come visit Oregon.  That’s how it started for us and now look where we live.

This volunteer opportunity will be a great way to keep looking for new ways to capture images that showcase all the State Parks, and other scenic locations, have to offer.  I bet there will even be some lessons along the way.  Check out the Oregon State Parks and Recreation Web site at  You will be hearing from us on the road soon.




  1. Hello. My Friend Tracy G. forwarded me your newsletter. I too am a photography (from AZ) and will be an artist in residence at Crater Lake this fall. I'll follow your journey and maybe we can meet up.

    1. What an awesome opportunity at Crater Lake. I know the plan is to be down that way sometime over the summer to fall so it would be great to meet up and see what this is too shoot.
