Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Physics Lesson Part 2 – Inertia

The last post talked about stopping our momentum and making time to capture an image.  Now let’s look at another topic that keeps us from our best photos; inertia. 

So there we are…we actually stopped to take a look from a majestic overlook with tress sprouting fresh, vivid leaves.  The meadow is showcasing her splendor with swirls of flowers in bloom, and we have puffy clouds in the sky as if Ansel Adams himself had placed them there.  Life is good.

We are definitely going to take a picture here.  Lifting our viewfinder up to our eye, we notice that we can’t quite get the entire scene we envision using the lens that is currently on the camera.  A few minutes ago we were using our telephoto lens as brightly colored woodpeckers were working on a nearby tree.  Now we need a wider angle lens to capture this grand landscape. 

But…that lens in our camera bag…on the ground. 

I mean, I’m not lazy but I’ll have to bend over, take a lens off, put another on, and then stand back up.  I know for me excuses from the camera demon sitting on my shoulder is telling me things like, “Hey, those birds might be back, you will be sorry you changed lenses.  Looks pretty windy and dirty around here.  If you change you lens you may get dust in your camera!”

And then I remember not to let inertia get the best of me.  A body at rest, remains at rest, unless acted upon by an outside force.  We need to be that force!  Take a moment and grab that piece of equipment that will help you capture your vision of the scene if you really think it will help.  Be it a different lens, filter, sun shade – you invested in the equipment, feel free to use it!
The physics of falling in action with my son Bryce at Smith Rocks State Park.  You can’t capture this without the correct lens.

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